Saturday, 19 May 2012

I won, I won!

Lilys Quilts

I won Lily's Quilts' competition to make a Jubilee project on a budget!!!! Now I get to choose £20 of fabrics from Abakhan Fabrics and make up my idea, and Lynne will put a tutorial on her blog so others can make it too!

My idea is to make a Jubilee-themed picnic rug that can fold up and be used as a bag too. Ideally I want the bag to be functional too, so you can carry stuff in it, rather than it just being a folded up rug with straps to carry it, but I'm not sure how possible that will be - I don't have much experience of designing stuff from scratch. So I'm going to go and have a pootle around t'interwebs and try and get some inspiration...


  1. Awesome Libby! Congrats!

  2. Congratulations. We can all squeeze on it Jubilee weekend in London!

  3. Congratulations! How fun is that?!

  4. I saw on my phone, how fantastic and a great idea, Ive seen something similar in blog land for kids play mats, perhaps do a google search on that. My MIL lived near Abakhan but it was before I got into fabric :(

  5. Congratulations! As Pippa said, there are oodles of patterns out there. YOU just have to find the right one. I think I've got one in one of my books. I'll find it and if it's any good I'll scan it in and send it to you.

  6. Congratulations! Bet you are chuffed to bits! How the hard work begins lol. Can't wait to see what you come up with :-) x

  7. Congratulations...does that mean the pic nic is at yours once you're done? I'll bring some cake =D
