Sunday 19 August 2012

Festival of Quilts pictures #1

I was too tired to post last night when we got back, so here they are: my photos from the Festival of Quilts! We had such an amazing day (we always do!). We arrived just before 10 and left just before 5 (we were the last on the bus, oops!) so we squeezed every bit of quilty goodness out of the day that we could.

So without further ado, here are my photies, I'm going to upload them in two seperate posts as there are loaaaaaads, but do be sure to come back and check out the second batch as I will show you what I bought!
...and a close up of the quilting on this one:

...and a close up of the detail:
Look at the quilting and embellishments on this:
My home county!:

I have tried to edit these a bit to tidy them up, but the photos just don't do them justice. If you haven't been this year, you should really go next year!

Check out the rest here!


  1. Thank you for sharing your photos! I would love to go one year!

  2. I've yet to go to a quilt show! There aren't many around here, and though I travel a lot, the timing never seems to be quite right! Someday. :)

    That yellow starburst is incredible!

  3. What a cool set of photos =D

  4. I tried so hard to see all the quilts I could and every time I see someone post the ones they took photos of I see quilts I missed. How?!!!
