Wednesday 21 March 2012

I won the Liebster Award!!

This is officially THE BEST DAY EVER! Firstly, I got made permanent in my current job, which I love, so I was DESPERATE (to the point of sobbing and dry heaving last night in fear of today's interview, it wasn't pretty!!). Secondly, I won the Liebster Award!

Everytime it came up in my newsfeed that one of the blogs I follow has won it, I would read with bated breath to see if they had nominated me, to no avail, until today! Thank you so much Pippa at Pippa's Patch :)
Now I'm awarding it to 5 of my blogging friends who haven't been awarded it yet!

If the blogs I listed want to accept the Liebster Award and pass it on to 5 blogs themselves, here are the rules:

This award is given by bloggers to their favorite blogs with under 200 followers. The Liebster Rules are:
1. Post about your win on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award.
3. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have less than 200 followers that you think deserve to be recognized.
5. Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

So here are my winners:
Wait, bearing in mind that I would have said Pippa, Clare and Cherie but they have all already won it this week, this is going to take some thinking about...check back tomorrow!!

Ok, I'm back!!

I nominate:
Heidi at Fabric Mutt, for the beautiful things she makes and THE most adorable logo ever!
Helen at Indianna Dreams, for letting me win some lovely fuglies, and for making all the little practical things that I have my eye on trying out when I have a spare minute!
Kelly at Jeliquilts - I WILL make a sewing machine cover in the next week or two!
Sew Lovins for inspiring me to make that lovely travel sewing kit, which I then also replicated for my mum's mother's day prezzie!
and Jess at The Elven Garden for making beautiful things and having such good taste in fabric!

Apologies if any of these have already received it, though I'm sure they won't mind getting it twice ;)


  1. Wooo *high fives* Aww thanks for the thought of me =D

  2. Hurrah to you! congratulations all the way around

  3. Thankyou - I'm off to have a nosey around the other nominated blogs....... Then I must get around to writing a post.

  4. Sweet! Thanks so much for thinkin of my blog! Excited to see the other blogs u picked too:) Thanks!!!

  5. I've nominated you for an award please head over to my blog for the details =D

  6. Congrats on the job and thanks so much for the nomination :)
