Thursday 29 March 2012

Yay, I won!

I just LOVE to win a giveaway! Well, technically it wasn't a giveaway, just a followers' special sort of thinga-ma-wotsit. I love Susan's blog, Canadian Abroad and hers was one of the first blogs I started following. She has quite a similar taste in fabric to me, and I just love the things she makes! Anyway, I've won a FQ of this gorgeous Melody Miller fabric...

...and I'm gonna make a cafetiere cover and tea caddy jackets, so now I'm off to find a pattern or some inspiration!


  1. Congratulations! I saw this earlier - so nice when someone you 'know' wins!

  2. I too am happy when someone I "know" wins... Isnt that strange. Make sure you show us all what you make.

  3. Congrats. Let us see what you make. Di xo
