Sunday 1 April 2012

Am I sad?

When my partner woke me with a 'pinch, punch, first of the month', my first thought was 'oooh, time for another small blog meet'! So I am linking up with:
Lily's Quilts

Have a look round, if you like what you see, become a follower! I'm off to check out the other small blogs!


  1. Hahaha! I jumped out of bed ready to sign up for the modern she made swap! =D

  2. I'm a new follower. I'm applying to grad schools now to become a teacher too! I'm looking forward to reading all your posts.

  3. Hi popping in and following from small blog meet. I have to admit I was stalking Lynne's blog this morning waiting for the meet-up post.

  4. Hi Libby - I was excited this morning for the small blog meetup as well! Have a great day.

  5. No, not sad at all. It is always fun to meet new people.

  6. Hi, no not sad. I love it. Had a look around and love your stuff - particularly the NY beauty blocks, lovely colours.

  7. Hi There, You are the latest follower to my blog so I thought I would join yours :-) My father-in-law lives in Lincoln and I am also a teacher, so lots in common, not to mention quilting/sewing etc!
