Monday 30 April 2012

New York Beauty quilt top finish

As I already mentioned, I entered the Quilting Gallery's wall hangings contest. While I was there, I noticed this quilt by Teresa at Quilting, stitching and sew on:
I had been doing the New York Beauty sew-along at Sew Sweetness, but having got to block 4, my enthusiasm was waning. So when I saw this, I thought - hey, if I get one more block done I could finish my quilt off in the same way.

So I worked on it all weekend, and here it is:
Apologies for the crap picture quality (as always. I really need to find a tutorial or something!)

I'm linking up with

Sew Happy Geek

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Wow it looks great.
    Take pictures either outside in the light or by a window =D

  2. Looks great. I also started taking most of pics outside since I started blogging (its hard when the weather doesn't cooperate.)

  3. it looks amazing - well done. I haven't mastered the whole photography thing but there was a couple of blog posts by Rachel @ Stitched in color a wee while back - try

  4. couldn't post on my phone but it is totally gorgeous !!! well done girl, you worked really hard and I know what you mean about interest waining... I need to get on and finish a few more blocks, can feel it turning into a ufo :(

  5. Ooh this looks lovely! Great colours!

  6. that is one gorgeous NY Beauty- love it! Good work!

  7. Gorgeous NY Beauties. What a feeling of satisfaction you must have had to complete that last one.

  8. Looks great - try picmonkey - it makes all pictures look great.

  9. Very nice 16 block NYB layout. I am working on a 16 blocker too and am unhappy with one pair of blocks but yours gives me an idea of a potential way to make it better... Hmmm. Thanks for the idea, even though it means more sewing! I like the border too, that is another possibility to consider. Great finish. How do you plan to quilt it?

  10. Those NYB blocks take up so much time, it is difficult to keep the momentum going. Your quilt looks great, well done.

  11. I have really been wanting to do the NYB blocks but I haven't even started yet! So good for you for getting this far--your quilt is beautiful!

  12. I recently learned fusique as posted in my blog today. Is that what this is? So many amazing things to do in quilting.

  13. Oh gosh....yours is gorgeous!!! So is the other one...but in that one group of colors stunning!!

  14. Amazing, well done, it's fabulous.

  15. I'm so glad you decided to finish your NYB quilt. It turned out so beautiful!
    Well done! I happy to have pushed you into it. It was totally worth it.
