Friday 27 April 2012

Beautiful parcel!

I won, I won! Thank you so much to Maria of Not only quilts! And oh is it a beauty! Look look look (or, as I said to my mum earlier, "Let's see your beautiful fabrics from Malta? Oh yes, that's right, you haven't got any. I HAVE!!) LOOK:

Look how much fabric! it's about 2 half yards and 2  fqs, I think. The patterned ones are by Kitty Yoshida:
 And she sent lots of extra bits, ribbon and buttons,etc:

Her blog is so inspiring, and she's one of the Moda bakeshop chefs (oh and she's gorgeous, cow! lol) so go check out her blog :)


  1. Hurrah! It is so fun to get a package in the post. Congratulations!

  2. That looks beautiful! Looking forward to seeing what you make with it.

  3. Congratulations on the win! =D

  4. Yippppeeeee Congratulations
    What a fab win!

  5. Thank you so very much for all your kind words! I'm so happy the package was well received as I had so much fun putting it together =)

    Can't wait to see what you will transform them into!

